About Me

About “Making Things Happen”

Welcome to Making Things Happen – a Blog that helps business owners, managers and project leaders get projects done

My name is Amy Alberg and I work to deliver high payoff projects and helping people boost their results through faster implementation, strategies to rescue a troubled projects and building effective skills to get projects completed every time.

I am fascinated by the possibilities so I have started a blog to explore ideas, strategies and have a dialogue with you. I am learning a lot and welcome your comments and ideas as I learn:

Why “Making Things Happen”?

I find that its a metaphor for life. The everyday stuff that demands the best you have to give under any circumstances and what strategies you employ to get it all done. It’s about the choices we make and the reasons that support those choices. It’s about finding the courage  to go out into the world and make things happen, build foundations to those goals and dreams.

This site is committed to helping other project managers and leaders learn the skills of project management, share their own experiences and promote that life is full of projects. In your personal life and work, everyone is working on projects of one kind or another so I believe that they might as well be the best they can be and deliver maximum payoff.

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I hope you enjoy reading and learn from these posts. Please drop me a note.



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